Tag: travel

White-tailed Deer in Corn
Blog, Travel

The fields of Minnesota

We just returned from two weeks in Minnesota. Most of the time was spent in the northern part of the state where there are a lot of lakes and a lot of corn and grain fields. I didn’t do too much photography on this trip, but did take a few […]

Cataloochee Elk in Fog
Blog, Travel

Oldies, but goodies

The photos tonight are from my first trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park as a photographer. This was 6 years and 2 cameras ago. I spent about a week there on my first trip and had a little more time to explore and look for wildlife than we […]

Two Hot Air Balloons in One
Blog, Travel

Asheville Hot Air Balloons

Since I have been revisiting our trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Smokies I figured it was time for a couple more shots from our hot air balloon trip. One of the main things that I was trying to do in most of my photos during the flight […]

Alfred Reagan Place
Blog, Travel

Smoky Mountains Historic Cabins

I figured it was time for a little break from the Disney Christmas pictures so I’m putting up a few from our trip to the Smokies last fall. One of the best subjects for photography in the Smokies are the historic cabins. There are a lot of different angles to […]

Asheville Hot Air Balloons 1
Blog, Travel

Asheville Hot Air Balloons

One of the most fun things that we did on our recent vacation was a hot air balloon ride with Asheville Hot Air Balloons. At first it was a little questionable on whether we were going to get to go, but after waiting for a little while they decided that […]

White Stork Nesting Pair
Birds, Blog, Travel

Birds in Africa

The two shots tonight go back a few years when I was on a trip in Africa with my sister who had just finished her two year stint in the Peace Corps. The first shot is a pair of White Storks that were nesting on a wall in Marrakesh, Morocco. […]