Tag: elk

Cataloochee Elk in Fog
Blog, Travel

Oldies, but goodies

The photos tonight are from my first trip to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park as a photographer. This was 6 years and 2 cameras ago. I spent about a week there on my first trip and had a little more time to explore and look for wildlife than we […]

Grand Teton Elk
Blog, Travel

Grand Teton National Park

Tonight a few of my old favorites from Grand Teton National Park. The first shot was taken with a telephoto lens at Oxbow Bend. I loved the layers of the photo. It has the elk, the forest, and then the mountain. The second shot tonight is of Hidden Falls. This […]

Sniff Sniff
Blog, Travel

Smokies Wildlife

There are a couple of different ways to go about capturing animals in nature. One as with this elk shot is to try to capture an interesting behavior. The elk in Chataloochee were very active the morning I was there and the fog really made for a great atmosphere. These […]

Buffalo Snort
Blog, Travel

Yellowstone National Park Wildlife

At Yellowstone National Park it is hard not to see wildlife. The buffalo are everywhere and frequently cause traffic jams and walk through the hot springs. The elk are also very common especially around Mammoth where they hang out at the lodge area. A lot of people hope to see […]