Tag: Niger

White Stork Nesting Pair
Birds, Blog, Travel

Birds in Africa

The two shots tonight go back a few years when I was on a trip in Africa with my sister who had just finished her two year stint in the Peace Corps. The first shot is a pair of White Storks that were nesting on a wall in Marrakesh, Morocco. […]

Sharing Tea
Blog, Travel

Don’t forget the people

I do not like to take people pictures. I currently take pictures of my daughters, but before they were born I very rarely included people in my shots. This is definitely a regret from my trip to Africa. If I were to do it all over I would have taken […]

Taureg Nomads in Niger
Blog, Travel

Niger, Africa

Niger, Africa is definitely not on most people’s lists of travel destinations and probably never would have been on mine either if it wasn’t for my sister’s placement there by the Peace Corps. The main trip we did in Niger was to travel up to Agadez, which is the “big” […]